Saturday 7 May 2011

Dog Days

"We borrowed this little dog called Lulu, she's small and very funny....."

She came to stay for an extraspecially super long time this visit. She's actually my sister's dog but she takes her vacations at our house from time to time. While she is here we try to take her mostly everywhere we can with us and we get lots of attention in return, it’s a bit like having a baby again, everyone smiles down at her as they pass by or stop to coo and give her a pat (if she'll allow it, she has a preference of children and ladies to men especially the older gentleman with his stick in tow - she doesn’t rather like sticks!)

The nice thing about dogs (no it’s not the hair - oh the hair - sooo much hair), the nice thing is it MAKES you get up and get out. I always read the blogs of those ladies over in the Dales, and (which a lovely lady introduced me to before I really knew what blogs were all about) plus a newly discovered blog called (not in the Dales - more mobile I guess), and I feel rather envious of their gorgeous surroundings. But when we actually get out and about I realise what gorgeousness is right on my doorstep that I have been blithely ignoring.

These pics are within a 2 min walk of home. It’s bluebell time and it’s just lovely lovely lovely. So from now on I promise to sit up and smell the bluebells? I am a fair weather girl though so come winter all bets are off, unless of course it snows again ( I love all the snowball fights followed by hot chocolates).

On that subject lets all hope the weather stays nice for our 'Picnic in the Park' on 15th May (Astley Park, Chorley) and that we don’t have gales whipping through the marquee and rain lashing at the passers by.  Oops I've said it now, if it is bad weather let’s hope no one attending read my blog. I shall deny all.

One last thing look right and you shall see Elizabeth Bennet, me thinks I am pleased with this result, I wouldn’t have liked to have been Marianne Dashwood (bit of a drama queen - though I have been called that on several occassions) or Catherine Moreland (she was a bit dizzy - again accusations have been tendered), hmmm perhaps one of those two would have been more appropriate after all!


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